Kingston Effluent Project

The project includes furnishing all labor, materials and equipment to install Effluent Recharge Site No. 3. Work includes, but is not limited to site grading, furnish and install six (6) leaching fields, each approximately 40,500 ft2 in size, furnish and install six (6) Secondary Distribution Boxes and associated PVC piping, furnish and install one (1) Primary Distribution Box and associated PVC piping, install approximate 1,000 linear foot access road/multi-use path with vehicle gate, cutting of existing force main with coordination with Kingston Wastewater Superintendent, furnish and install valve vault with gate valves, furnish and install 2,450 linear feet of 10-inch ductile iron pressure pipe force main, paving, loam and seed, compliance with turtle protection measures, and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents.